
A Retreat for Women

Real Estate. Financial Independence.


October 29 - November 3, 2023

San Miquel de Allende, Mexico

If you’re a badass woman whose life has been full of decision-making, responsibility, and caring for others, then join us in San Miguel de Allende, where you can treat yourself to time, celebration, and honoring the next phase of life.

Allay any fear about solo travel or real estate investing in Mexico.

Education meets community, meets support, and a whole lot of laughter and fun. Think Summer camp for grown-ups. With real estate education thrown in.

Plus, you’ll be moved celebrating the Day of the Dead in one of the most beautiful towns on earth!


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Imagine waking up in the UNESCO heritage town of San Miguel de Allende, Mexico.

Your beautiful room opens to blue sky, and the air is fresh and warm. Birds chirp and electric pink, purple and white bougainvillea flowers cascade into the streets.

Already, you feel the armor dropping and your lungs expand. You have no responsibilities, no family to care for, business to run, or kids to feed. This time is just for you.

It’s Day of the Dead and the streets are teeming with festivities: face painting booths and altars made of bright orange marigolds are everywhere. You feel your heart explode with creativity and inspiration.

Plus, you’ll be learning about Mexican real estate with a group of amazing women. You smile inwardly, grateful that you’ve given yourself this gift.

You feel more clear and inspired, and proud of yourself for any hesitations you might have had traveling solo. Here, you are supported and encouraged. You can’t wait to learn about real estate and financial freedom with a group of women.

How Empowering Will It Feel:

To educate yourself on the power of real estate investing and some of the dos and don’ts of buying in Mexico.

To push past any fear or hesitation to travel to Mexico on your own. And to celebrate one of the most incredible cultural events with a group of powerful and fun-loving women?

To celebrate yourself, and to honour your transition into the next phase of your life.

To know that this week is all about you.

To open yourself to new financial possibilities, and increase your quality of life.

This is only some of the power you will release in Mexico, as it inevitably takes hold of your heart and opens up possibilities in your life.

You Will Find That You Begin:

To integrate your old self with a new emerging self

Transcend patterns of resistance and limitation

Build increasing trust in yourself and your expanding knowledge

Build your knowledge, confidence and financial education

Where You'll Be

You’ll be staying in the heart of San Miguel de Allende, a UNESCO heritage town, known for its baroque Spanish architecture, thriving arts scene and cultural festivals. For the third year in a row Condé Nast has voted it the “World’s Best Small City.”

We’ll be staying in Casa Corazón, meaning house of the heart, a large, beautifully decorated house in the center of town within walking distance to everything.

The house is just around the corner from a lovely outdoor café and also has a roof terrace for stretching, sharing or simply enjoying the night sky. You’ll be sharing large, tastefully decorated bedrooms, each with two double beds. The house is just down the street from a renown organic market. Fresh green drinks, vegetables goodies, and organic potions.

You’ll have your own double or queen bed in a shared room with a private bathroom. Your rooms are colorful, beautiful, and filled with light.

Grab a cup of coffee or tea and a plate of fresh fruit and enjoy some calm on the rooftop terrace. Take a walk outside and enjoy the strands of marigolds decorating the doorways of houses nearby.

We’ll begin our days with a healthy fresh breakfast then engage in writing practice, setting intentions and identifying our passions. In guided meditations, we’ll focus on our money mindset and make sure we’re opening ourselves to abundance.

The Cuisine

You walk downstairs and smell the aroma of cooking and spice. You help yourself to fresh squeezed orange juice, fruit, coffee and tea, plus a healthy Mexican breakfast of eggs, vegetables and tortillas. Fresh salsas and pico de gallo decorate the table.

You can feel the love and attention that goes into your meal, and know that you are cared for. We’ll share food family style at the dining table and in the sitting room, or on the terrace. You’ll need your energy, because after our morning exercises of journaling, mindful meditation or yoga, we will walk through the beautiful cobblestone streets of this charming colonial town.

Tea, coffee, fruit and snacks are available to you throughout the day. Plus some wine and good tequila for the evening sharing sessions. This is Mexico, after all.

Tentative Schedule

DAY 1, October 29 - Enter

Welcome all! 

You arrive at the airport of either Leon or Guanajuato and are brought by van to your new temporary home in downtown San Miguel de Allende. The town is festive and bustling as it prepares for it’s important Day of the Dead celebration. You arrive and share a cool drink and settle into your room. We’ll gather in the evening and share introductions and clear intentions to make the week ahead fulfilling and enriching. We’ll share a beautiful meal at a local restaurant.

DAY 2, October 30 - Settle


You wake up to the smell of breakfast cooking and remember that you’ve given yourself the gift of San Miguel de Allende. Casa Corazón, the heart house, is already capturing your heart. You take your coffee upstairs and join a circle of women and begin exploring what you are going to release during this Day of the Dead, and how you will prepare for the new life. In the afternoon you’ll put on your walking shoes and take a guided tour of this UNESCO heritage town, marveling at its beauty, camera in hand. Full breakfast, journaling, meditation.

DAY 3, October 31 - Explore



After another nourishing breakfast and guided meditation you’ll start clarifying what brings you the most energy and happiness in our lives. You’ll begin to map a life that includes the things you’re most passionate about, and how to integrate them into your life. In the afternoon, you’ll hear about real estate by one of San Miguel’s powerhouse realtors, Michelle Garrison. You’ll leave feeling inspired by the possibilities and educated on why and how to buy real estate in Mexico.

DAY 4, November 1 - Engage


Full breakfast, meditation, then discussion on insurance and medical tourism in Mexico. In the afternoon you’ll create an altar to yourself, releasing the person you were and envisioning the person you will become. Your creativity and childlike nature will come as you explore elements of your life through art and creation.

DAY 5, November 2 - Emerge



After a full breakfast, you will be led on a guided meditation then journaling to lead you deeper into yourself. You’re more relaxed by now, your heart is open and you feel playful and also grounded in what comes next. Your clarity leads your journaling. You’ll end the day with a special ceremony honoring the women with whom you’ve shared this journey. You feel love and connection, and cherish the time, stories, laughter and even tears that this group has shared.

DAY 6, November 3 - Integrate


Departure Day.

You awaken feeling like a different person. You are relaxed and steady, and supported by a new circle of friends. You’ve grown together, discussed finances and your life’s next chapter, and you know that you’ll stay connected moving forward. You are delivered to the airport for your journey home.

Some Bonuses


A private Facebook Group to share up to date information and to start connecting with fellow participants. Build a stronger connection with your fellow participants via a pre-retreat zoom call. These calls familiarize you with one another and allows you to start building intent and direction for the retreat ahead.

Help integrate your experience and transition home with two post-retreat zoom calls. This will help nourish the connections you’ve made and remind you of the open-hearted journey you are now on.

Free gift bag.

Your Journey Begins Here

Mexico is a land of extraordinary richness, with some of the most kind and generous people you will meet. The beauty of the place and the people can break open your heart and fill your life with inspiration. San Miguel de Allende is particularly charming, and has become home to hundreds of expatriates in search of a better quality of life. This UNESCO heritage site is picturesque, filled with craft and art in every market stall, building façade and street corner. It is a feast for the eyes.

In the center of the historic plaza lies the Parrochia de San Miguel Arcangel, an exceptionally beautiful gothic cathedral that shimmers pink in the evening light. The world-class restaurants, charming people and cobblestone streets, and lively night life make it a popular destination year-round. The town is in the highlands of Guanajuato state, located four hours north of Mexico City and an hour away from either Leon or Guanajuato airports. Located at 5500 feet above sea level, it has been called the city of eternal spring.

The ride from and to the airport will be an hour. Some words of Spanish are always appreciated, but English is widely spoken and kindness extended.

Is This Journey For You?

This journey is TOTALLY for you if:

You feel open to adventure and growth.

You want to challenge some fears of traveling and explore the possibility of investing in Mexico.

You’re a powerful woman wanting to grow creatively and financially in the second half of your life.

You have spent much of your life creating possibilities for others. Now you want to create something for yourself.

You’re open to sharing with others and love the idea of a supportive circle of amazing women.

You love the idea of learning about different cultures and celebrations.

You are flexible and kind and treat others as you’d like to be treated.

The very idea of this trip makes you really excited!

This trip is NOT for you if:

You know exactly how you’ll be spending the second half of your life.

You have complete clarity on how you want to make an impact, on yourself and others.

You have no interest in expanding your knowledge of international property investment or financial security.

You get overwhelmed by large street parties and celebrations.

You don’t like to have fun.

You have no interest connecting with your creative self.

You don’t like sharing, laughing or a good tequila.

You don’t like adventures, cobblestone streets or places where other languages are spoken.

I'm Zélie Pollon, a travel motivator, explorer, property investor and award-winning journalist.

I began traveling full-time with my young son after my mother’s sudden death in 2015.

As I met more and more families on the road, my inspiration grew. I began to gather interviews, and I saw that so many people I met had the freedom to travel because they had invested in real estate. It was the main reason I was able to travel as well.

I took a deeper dive into financial education and real estate investment. In Mexico I had the time and space to explore this; time slowed and my quality of life was so much greater. In January I published a book on how to travel full time, including an eBook, and even an audio book I recorded myself.

Travel and living abroad —and then investing — had become an amazing gift to myself. I wanted to share this path with others.

Now I want to encourage other women to feel confident traveling, whether to Mexico, Europe or anywhere else their hearts desire. I want them to create time and experiences for themselves, and hopefully to also join me in the investment sphere.

Join us in San Miguel and let’s Emerge as powerful, educated women who also know how to have fun.

This is Just for You.

If you’re a powerful woman wanting to grow creatively and financially in the second half of your life, then join me in San Miguel. You’ll leave feeling empowered, educated on how (and why!) to buy real estate in Mexico, while surrounded by a group of equally amazing women ready to support you on your journey to financial abundance. And you’ll have a ton of fun.

The time is now. Are you doing what you want to do?

It’s time to EMERGE.

Join us in San Miguel de Allende next October 29 -November 3.

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